5 Steps to Creating Your Personal Brand

Posted in: Business, Lifestyle

Whether you realize it or not, every business, organization, and person on this Earth has a brand that they project to the world.

  • Starbucks stands for the “Third Place” beyond home and the office.
  • Apple stands for intuitively simply design.
  • Disney stands for magical moments.
  • Hello Innovation stands for...well…innovation 😉

So the question is, what do you stand for?

It can be a tough question to answer.  You might think to yourself, “Well I have [insert your personal skills] skills.  And I’m good at [insert talent].  And I want people to think of me as being known for [insert what makes you unique].  But my brand?  I’m not quite sure!”

Here are some steps to figuring out your own personal brand... and how to launch it out the world.

Step 1: Take inventory

To start, it’s important to take a step back and essentially, take inventory.  Think about avoiding miscommunication in translating your own brand’s values.  What messages do you want to convey?  How do you convey these messages? What are the three things you want people to think about you when they walk away?

If you’re having a hard time wrapping your brain around your personal brand, pick up an autobiography of someone you admire, whether it’s a famous business person or a world leader.  Try to assess his/her personal brand and see how you can apply it to your own.

Step 2: Figure out your unique selling proposition

OK, you’re not a product or a business. But, you do represent a unique set of values and beliefs that should be shown off in some way. Before you go showing off what makes you unique, make sure you truly understand the things that make you stand out from everyone else in the world. One way to figure this out is to ask your friends and family how they perceive you (let’s hope you’re OK with the answer).  This will help you determine if you are conveying the right messages.

Step 3: Find your proof points

Once you understand what makes you unique and what messages you want to convey, you need to find a way to back up your messaging. When a company builds a brand, they come up with a brand idea and unique “proof points” (or evidence) that can convey these ideas. What are your proof points?  Find out what they are, and come up with some tactical ways you can convey them.

For example, if you want to be known for your technology skills, you can become a part of different trade organizations, volunteer at industry events, or participate in panels in which you can showcase your skills.

Step 4: Volunteer your heart’s content

Unless you’re a famous celebrity, there’s a pretty good chance that everyone in the world doesn’t know what you’re an expert in. If you want to show the world what you’re made of, then volunteer to your heart’s content. You can do this in many ways - you could donate your time to non-profits that you’re passionate about, start a blog where you share your expertise, or contribute to online forums such as Quora to position yourself as a thought leader in your profession. Whatever you decide to do, just remember that nothing proves a point more than actually doing it!

Step 5:  Be yourself (whoever that may be)

There’s an old adage I always hear about being true to yourself, but this is much more than that.  Are you the person in your group of friends that has everyone rolling on the floor with laughter?  Are you known for your muted sense of humor, sending everyone witty emails that they actually want to open and read?  There’s nothing wrong with showcasing your humor, wit or creativity.  Everyone has different personalities, and embracing what makes you “you” will show the world who you really are.

Step 6: Find the right channel

Just think, someone could be Googling you at this very moment. Actually, stop for a minute.  Google yourself.  What comes up?  Is it your hometown newspaper engagement announcement?  A race you ran years ago? Something embarrassing photos from college?  It’s important to know what people find when they’re researching you online, so make sure there isn’t anything you’re ashamed of in your Google search results.

Go social

You have the power to impact what shows up in search results for you by spending time on your online presence.  So figure out which channels are the right springboard for your personality and focus. If you communicate best in short bursts of wit and cleverness, Twitter is the place for you.  If you want to highlight your professional accomplishments, build out your LinkedIn profile so it reflects your skills and experience.  If you’re great at short, captivating videos, try out Vine or Instagram video or post some videos up on your YouTube channel.  Just remember to be creative!

Websites aren’t just for companies and organizations

Take it a step further by creating  your own website. That way, you can give people a quick snapshot of who you are and what you're passionate about.  Check out Squarespace and WordPress  to create a well-designed website that's easy to manage.

What are you waiting for?  Go tell your story.

By focusing on what matters to you, you’ll have an authentic brand in the online and offline world in no time. And if you’re lost, remember: "You need the simplest version of the idea in order for it to grow naturally in the subject's mind." (Inception)  Get down to the simplest idea about you and just start communicating it.



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